National Maritime Safety at Sea Council
The National Maritime Safety at Sea Council (NMSSC) was launched on 17 August 2015 to spearhead Singapore’s drive for maritime safety on a national level and ensures the sustainability of safety efforts.
The Council serves as an advisory body to MPA on maritime safety matters and its first priority is to address issues related to navigational safety and raise levels of maritime safety standards.
The Council will also endorse safety initiatives by MPA and the MPA-Industry Safety Work Groups to spearhead safety efforts and public campaigns that will raise awareness on navigational safety and practices.
National Maritime Safety at Sea Council
Mr Ishak Ismail, High Commissioner to Pakistan & Principal Consultant, i-Grow Partners Pte Ltd
Deputy Chairman
Capt Hari Subramaniam, Hon. Chair, The Nautical Institute (Singapore branch) & Regional Head – Business Relations and Medisea, The Shipowners’ Mutual Protection and Indemnity Association (Luxembourg)
Co-Chair of MPA-SSA Safety of Navigation Work Group
Capt Vibhas Garg, Director, Octant Marine
Co-Chair of MPA-Harbour Craft Safety Work Group
Mr Mark Ko, Executive Director, Tian San Shipping
Co-Chair of MPA-ARFO Safety Work Group
Mr Sebastian Koh, President, Association of Regional Ferry Operators (ARFO) & General Manager, Bintan Resort Ferries Pte Ltd
Co-Chair of MPA-Pleasure Craft Safety Work Group
Capt Sahwan Osman, Senior Manager, International Maritime Programmes (Nautical) & STCW Courses, Singapore Maritime Academy, Singapore Polytechnic
Ms Ashima Taneja, Head of Maritime Commercial – Safety, Sustainability & Technical, BHP
Mr Ignatius Francis Danakody, Managing Director, Singapore Salvage Engineers (SSE)
Capt Rishab Bahl, Managing Director, V-Bunkers & Board Director, Vitol International Shipping
Capt Daknash Ganasen, Senior Director (Marine Safety & Port Operations), Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore
AC Ryan Ong Yuan-Wei, Commander Marine Division / Director Fire Safety Department, Singapore Civil Defence Force
Mr Loh Chun How, Executive Director, Singapore Shipping Association
Mr Matthew Chua, Head of Academy, MAN Energy Solutions
Mr Lye Chow Kheng, Chief Executive Officer / Divisional Director (Claims), Tindall Riley (Britannia) Singapore
Mr Edward Ang, Deputy General Manager (Operations), Wan Hai Lines
Mr Jimmy Koh, Head of Pilotage and Digital Transformation, PSA Marine (Pte) Ltd
Capt Chatur Wahyu, Director, Singapore Maritime Academy, Singapore Polytechnic
Mr Chan Yew Kwong, Senior Consultant, WSH Consultancy Unit, Workplace Safety and Health Council