MaritimeSG Youth Ambassadors Programme

Are you confident, dynamic and passionate about the maritime industry? We want YOU!
As a MaritimeSG Youth Ambassador, you will attend exclusive networking events with business leaders and be invited to visit restricted maritime facilities. You will also be the face to represent vibrant MaritimeSG among your peers.
We are recruiting our 4th batch of MaritimeSG Youth Ambassadors! Scan the QR code below, or visit to apply, and begin your fun and fulfilling journey in MaritimeSG! 



The programme is initiated by Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) and maritime sector partners like the Singapore Maritime Foundation (SMF) to identify youths who are passionate about maritime-related issues and are willing to champion a maritime movement among their peers. MPA will support you to engage and excite your peers on the exciting developments and opportunities within MaritimeSG, and become part of this vibrant sector.
We are seeking full-time students below 30 years of age at a local institute of higher learning (e.g. Universities, Polytechnics, Institutes of Technical Education, etc.). If you have a keen interest in the maritime sector, and are a confident, dynamic, strong communicator and leader, you are who we are looking for!

We believe this will be a deeply rewarding opportunity for you to be the face of MaritimeSG! You will be invited to exclusive international maritime events with first-hand exposure and networking opportunities with top business and maritime thought leaders. You will also get to participate in exclusive learning journeys to restricted maritime facilities. Youth Ambassadors would go through an onboarding programme across different maritime domains to prepare you for the leadership journey.

All these are geared to give you a specially curated sneak peek and head-start into the vibrant maritime industry, enriching your experiences beyond classroom learning and academic pursuits. To recognise your leadership, you will receive a Certificate of Appointment and Achievement at the start and upon successful completion of the programme!

The term will be 2 years, from April 2025 to end-March 2027. You will be invited to many events. To enrich your personal learning, you will have to attend at least 2 maritime-related engagement events annually, and are strongly encouraged to share your learning points with your peers (e.g. via social media).

Add to the buzz around the maritime industry. You will also get support from MPA to organise outreach event(s) to reach out to your peers! This includes access to maritime resource persons and funding support, subject to terms and conditions. You can team up with other Youth Ambassadors or tap on your own school club and societies to spur this maritime movement. This can be in the form of workshops, career talks, learning journeys, digital campaigns, sustainability projects etc.

Access the application form at to be a Youth Ambassador! Fill in the form and provide relevant supporting documents to qualify. Applications are open till 15 January 2025.

Shortlisted applications will be notified via email by 31 January 2025.

If you have any queries, please reach out to us at for more information.