Oil Spill Response, Chemical Spill Response and Anti-Pollution Services

(1) The charges for oil spill response, chemical spill response and anti-pollution services provided by the Authority are as follows:

(a) for the deployment of an anti-pollution vessel as follows:

Where vessel is deployed for 8 hours or less in a calendar day, charges per hour or part of an hour (inclusive of GST) starting at the time the vessel is activated to the time it is instructed to be deactivated, including any period during which the vessel is —               

(i) awaiting instructions at a forward storage area or base; or

(ii) in transit

Where vessel is deployed for more than 8 hours in a calendar day, charges for that calendar day (inclusive of GST), including any period during which the vessel is —    

(i) awaiting instructions at a forward storage area or base; or

(ii) in transit

Charges per calendar day or part of a calendar day (inclusive of GST), for any period that the vessel is in the process of demobilisation, including any time taken to carry out any cleaning, repair or other work required to restore the vessel to the condition that it was in at the time of its activation
(i) a launch,
inclusive of bunkers and minimum manning


(ii) a hydrographic craft used for oil spill response duties, inclusive of bunkers and minimum manning$853.47
(iii) a patrol craft used for oil spill response duties, inclusive of bunkers and minimum manning$675.80$5,408.58$4,056.98
(iv) a garbage collection craft used as an anti-oil pollution craft, inclusive of bunkers and minimum manning$370.60



(b) for any other oil spill response, chemical spill response or anti-pollution service not mentioned in sub-paragraph (a), the costs actually incurred by the Authority to provide the oil spill response, chemical spill response or anti-pollution service;

(c) in addition to the charges in sub-paragraphs (a) and (b), the costs actually incurred by the Authority  

(i) for the demolisation of a deployed vessel, including any charges for carrying out any repair, cleaning or other work required to restore the vessel to the condition that it was in at the time of its activation;

(ii) for hiring a replacement vessel for the duration of the demobilisation of a deployed vessel; and

(iii) for fuel, water and lubricants consumed.

(2) The charges for oil spill response, chemical spill response and anti-pollution services provided by the Authority through an operator or equipment owner engaged by the Authority are as follows:

(a) for the deployment of any vessel or equipment listed in the MPA-ITOPF MOU — an amount computed according to the rates set out in the Schedule to the MPA-ITOPF MOU;

(b) for any other oil spill response, chemical spill response or anti-pollution service not mentioned in sub-paragraph (a) — the costs actually incurred by the Authority to secure the provision by any operator or equipment owner of the oil spill response, chemical spill response or anti-pollution service;

(c) in addition to the charges in sub-paragraphs (a) and (b), the costs actually incurred by the Authority  

(i) for the demolisation of a deployed vessel, including any charges for carrying out any repair, cleaning or other work required to restore the vessel to the condition that it was in at the time of its activation;

(ii) for hiring a replacement vessel for the duration o fthe demobilisation of a deployed vessel; and

(iii) for fuel, water and lubricants consumed.

(3) In addition to the charges mentioned in sub-paragraphs (1) and (2), the following charges are also payable for oil spill response, chemical spill response and anti-pollution services provided by the Authority under sub-paragraphs (1) and (2):

(a) manpower charges as follows:

(i) for a member of the Authority's senior management

Hourly rate of between $228.90 (inclusive of GST) and $359.70 (inclusive of GST), as the Authority may determine based on the seniority of the person deployed or involved (prorated on a per minute basis)

(ii) for a senior officer employed by the Authority

Hourly rate of between $102.46 (inclusive of GST) and $168.95 (inclusive of GST), as the Authority may determine based on the seniority of the senior officer deployed or involved (pro-rated on a per minute basis)

(iii) for a junior officer employed by the Authority

Hourly rate of between $54.50 (inclusive of GST) and $78.48 (inclusive of GST), as the Authority may determine based on the seniority of the junior officer deployed or involved (pro-rated on a per minute basis)

(iv) for a person employed or engaged by the Authority on a contract or temporary basis

The costs actually incurred by the Authority

(b) dispersants to be charged at cost, with additional charges for storage and handling of the dispersants;

(c) an administrative charge of —

(i) where the total charges under sub-paragraphs (1) and (3)(a) and (b) payable to the Authority (called in this sub-paragraph the total charges) do not exceed $1.09 million (inclusive of GST), 10% of the total charges;

(ii) where the total charges exceed $1.09 million (inclusive of GST), $109,000 plus 6% of the amount by which the total charges exceed $1.09 million (inclusive of GST);

(4) In this paragraph, “MPA-ITOPF MOU” means the memorandum of understanding entered into between the Authority and ITOPF Ltd on 01 June 2024 (including any renewal, extension or update of that memorandum of understanding from time to time), and which is available on the website of the Authority at http://www.mpa.gov.sg.

A copy of the MOU can be found below.