MPA-Pleasure Craft Safety Work Group

The MPA-Pleasure Craft Safety Work Group is one of four MPA-industry safety work groups under the National Maritime Safety at Sea Council (NMSSC).

The group focuses on improving and raising safety amongst the pleasure craft community in Singapore.

MPA-Pleasure Craft Safety Work Group


Capt Charles De Souza, Deputy Director (Marine Environment & Safety)/ Deputy Port Master, Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore

Capt Sahwan Osman, Senior Lecturer, Singapore Maritime Academy, Singapore Polytechnic 


Mr Gerald Heng, Captain of Power, SAF Yacht Club

Mr Campbell Jenkins, President, Singapore Power Boat Association

Mr YP Loke, President, Singapore Boating Industry Association

Mr Leslie Tan, Chief Executive Officer, Singapore Sailing Federation

Mr Kuet Ee Yoon, Member, Singapore Boating Industry Association

Mr James Wong, Commodore, Republic of Singapore Yacht Club

Capt Richard Howe, Managing Director, Maritime Claim & Services Pte Ltd 

Mr James Roy, Managing Director, One° 15 Marina Club Singapore

Mr Kogulabalan Segaran, Director and Founder, YachtCruisesg

Mr Roy Soeigiarto, Managing Director, Kairos Strategic Pte Ltd & Executive Director, Kairos Singapore Holdings Pte Ltd