MPA-ARFO Safety Work Group
The MPA-ARFO Safety Work Group is co-chaired by MPA and the Association of Regional Ferry Operators (ARFO).
It is one of four MPA-industry safety work groups under the National Maritime Safety at Sea Council (NMSSC).
The group focuses on improving the safety amongst the regional ferry operators.
MPA-ARFO Safety Work Group
Capt Chong Jia Chyuan, Senior Deputy Director (Operations)/ Port Master, Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore
Mr Sebastian Koh, President, Association of Regional Ferry Operators (ARFO) & General Manager, Bintan Resort Ferries Pte Ltd
Mr Chua Choon Leng, General Manager, Ferry Operations, Batam Fast Ferry
Mr Yong Kian Chin, Fleet Manager, Horizon Fast Ferry
Mr Pk Nata Wirawan Setio, Director, Indo Falcon Shipping & Travel
Mr Max Tan, Managing Director, Majestic Fast Ferry
Ms Irna Alidin, Director, Sindo Ferry
Mr Albert Wong, Vice-President (Operations), Singapore Cruise Centre