Page 35 - SG Nautilus Issue 47.indb
P. 35



          environmental protection has always been part   Given the diversifi ed nature and size of our
          of the EPS culture. Since our inception, we have   fl eet, we decided to use the Annual Effi  ciency
          adhered to an internal Environment Protection   Ratio (AER) and Energy Effi  ciency Operational
          Policy that applies to all we do at sea.  Indicator (EEOI) formulas, as they take into
            In 2019, we won the Lloyd’s List’s Company   consideration fuel types, consumption,
          of the Year Award, and in 2018, we were the   deadweight tonnes, voyage distance, and cargo
          fi rst shipping company in Asia Pacifi c to be   weight. I am happy to report that our 2019 fl eet-
          awarded a Green Loan by BNP Paribas. Other   wide AER was 4.7g / deadweight tonne / mile.
          recognitions we received in the past few   This is a fantastic number, and shows steady
          years include Qualship 21, the Green Award,   improvement over the past few years.
          and ISO 14001 Certifi cation validating our                                       ABOUT
          Environment Management System. This culture   MEETING IMO 2020 REGULATION & BEYOND
          of environmental protection has infl uenced   Our entire fl eet is already compliant with the   MR DAN KWEK
          our onshore practices as well, resulting in our   IMO 2020 sulphur cap regulation. We also   With 13 years of shipping
          Singapore Headquarters receiving the Eco Offi  ce   have an ambitious newbuild programme, with   experience, Mr Dan
          Certifi cation by the Singapore Environment   more than 30 vessels set to join our fl eet in the   Kwek is the Sales and
          Council for our conservation and waste   coming years. For these vessels, we have chosen   Purchase Manager of
          management standards.                   vendors and engine manufacturers that off er   Eastern Pacifi c Shipping
            These policies, procedures and behaviours   cutting-edge, environmentally friendly solutions.   Pte Ltd (EPS). Since
          were aligned, but they were also fragmented.   EPS is also committed to using alternative   joining EPS in 2015,
          Thus, we decided to bring everything together   marine fuels, such as liquefi ed natural gas (LNG)   he has been involved
          under one sustainability umbrella in 2019, which   and liquefi ed petroleum gas (LPG).  in multiple sales and
          saw the ESG Policy being introduced.       These two fuels are proven to signifi cantly   purchase transactions.
                                                  lower greenhouse gas emissions — specifi cally   Mr Kwek holds
          BENCHMARKS & TARGETS                    carbon dioxide, sulphur oxide, nitrogen oxide,   a Master of Science
          We are routinely audited by third parties for   and particulate matter. In fact, they already   (Maritime Studies)
          the environmental portion of the ESG Policy to   meet the International Maritime Organization’s   degree from Nanyang
          ensure it is running as effi  ciently as possible at   (IMO) 2030 regulation, which mandates a 40%   Technological
          sea and on shore. These third parties include   reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in   University. He is active
          classifi cation societies, government agencies,   the next 10 years. When cleaner marine fuels   in the Singapore
          and private enterprises. This ensures we are   become available, we will certainly adopt  them.   Shipping Association,
          on the right track, while giving us data that   But for the sake of the environment, we have   and is part of its
          we can use to measure against ourselves and   to act now, hence our decision to use LNG   Digital Transformation
          the industry.                           and LPG. Why should we wait for years to see   Committee and Young
            When conducting these exercises,      whether something better comes along when   Executive Group.
          we are conscious of making apple-to-apple   there is a real solution available now?  He is also the Honorary
          comparisons. With external benchmarking,   The next target for the industry is IMO 2050,   Treasurer of the
          you need an in-depth understanding of what   which calls for a 50% reduction in emissions.   Society of Naval
          is being offered. That is why we feel the   While there is no answer to that today, we   Architects & Marine
          best benchmarking is against ourselves,   believe that LNG and LPG will act as essential   Engineers Singapore.
          and letting the public hold us accountable for   building blocks to the next solution. When that   Before entering the
          our performance.                        solution is ready, we will be there to adopt it.  private sector, Mr Kwek
                                                                                           spent four and a half
                                                                                           years with the Maritime
                                                                                           and Port Authority of
                                                                                           Singapore (MPA) in an
                                                                                           industry development
                                                                                           role, administering
                                                                                           the MPA MINT Fund,
                                                                                           which promotes
                                                                                           maritime R&D as well as
                                                                                           technology development
                                                                                           and adoption.
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