Page 32 - SG Nautilus Issue 47.indb
P. 32


                                                 COMPANY SPOTLIGHT

          keeping our

          waterways clear

          Chua Kim Beng learns how Tian San Shipping is using digital technology to
          help keep Singapore waters and the vessels at its port spick and span

                        Keeping Singapore’s waterways fl otsam-free and   over the years, in tandem with the economic growth of
                        clearing garbage from all vessels that call at the   Asia and Southeast Asia. The lack of infrastructure in
                        Port of Singapore are not easy tasks — more than   some parts of the region has resulted in a rise of waste
                        130,000 ships visit the Port annually. Still, the   in rivers and oceans. “During the monsoon seasons,
                        Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore’s appointed   we observe an increase in the volume of fl otsam,”
                        vendor, Tian San Shipping (TSS), is carrying out its   he describes. “It pollutes the ocean, poses a serious
                        duty with care and dedication.              navigation hazard, and needs to be cleared to ensure
                                                                    safety.” As for garbage clearance from vessels, that
                        FROM NICHE TO MAINSTREAM                    business has grown alongside Singapore’s reputation
                        TSS has been an integral part of Singapore’s shipping   as a major shipping hub. But it is not just the sheer
                        scene for close to four decades, ferrying passengers,   number of vessels that has to be addressed. “We
                        vehicles and equipment. About 20 years ago, it started   have seen a corresponding increase in the volume of
                        an Environmental Services division to clear fl otsam,   garbage collected from these vessels,” he shares.
                        respond to oil spills, and collect garbage from ships.
                            “Though Environmental Services started out as a   UPGRADING EQUIPMENT AND STAFF
                            niche business, this has evolved over time, and   Mr Ko reveals that TSS has, over the years, invested in
                            marine environment protection is so important   equipment and personnel training. “We take a holistic

                            now, in particular for issues such as marine   approach to vessel design,” he affirms. “We aim to
                            plastic pollution,” says Mr Mark Ko, Executive   improve functionality, reduce our carbon footprint,
                            Director of TSS [see sidebar].          and, at the same time, collect more garbage and

                               Mr Ko remarks that TSS has expanded its   flotsam from the environment.”
               Mr Mark Ko   abilities in flotsam clearing and garbage collecting   TSS is open to collaborating with Institutes of
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