Page 31 - SG Nautilus Issue 47.indb
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          importance relative to the strategic journey that each   formulate their digitalisation roadmaps, and benefi t
          company has uniquely mapped.”              from maritime digital platforms covering trade
                                                     operations and fi nancing, trade documentation, as
          GETTING A DIGITAL HEALTH CHECK             well as port clearances and services.
          In Q1 2020, more than 200 maritime organisations
          participated in the Digital Acceleration Index   WHAT’S IN THE PLAYBOOK?
          (DAI) survey and submitted a digital maturity self-  A systematic and elemental approach following three
          assessment of their strengths, weaknesses, and   progressive themes:
          digital ambitions. This gave participating companies    Discover: Digitalisation in Sea Transport Sector presents an
          a better understanding of their digitalisation status   overview of the state of digitalisation in the sea transport
          across aspects of the business, with accompanying   sector based on results of the nationwide DAI 2020 survey.
          individualised performance reports benchmarked    Framework: An Approach Towards Digitalisation provides
          against industry peers using the same diagnostic tools.  a why-what-how guide for assessing business needs,
                                                        creating a digital goal, optimising core business
           KEY TAKEAWAYS: 2020 DAI SURVEY               processes and revenue generation, and ensuring that
             Multinational companies (MNCs) and         digital enablers are in place.
            Large Local Companies (LLCs) were found      Resources: Supporting Your Digitalisation Journey provides
            to be Digital Literates, and required focus   a summary of programmes, initiatives, and information
            on data, platforms, and ways of working.    repositories for companies to kick-start their digital journey.
             Small- to Medium-sized Enterprises
            tended to be Digital Starters,              Mr Kieu Kim Sen, Managing Director, York Launch
            and required focus on strategy,          Service, agrees that the Playbook has provided useful

            cybersecurity, and data.                 insights into current digital efforts, which complements
                                                     his transformation plans. “It’s very informative and
            Mr Lund recommends maritime companies,   allows us to gauge our digital transformation eff orts
          especially those new to digitalisation, to begin with   against other sub-sectors within the maritime industry,
          the self-assessment checklist within the Playbook.   and to identify further opportunities to digitalise other
          He shares, “Mapping your current digitalisation   process. We can use the Playbook as a reference guide
          state as Starters, Literates, Performers, or Leaders   and remind ourselves to continue working towards
          produces a gap analysis from your desired state, and   our objectives,” he asserts.
          is an important tool to determine the priorities of   Mr Lim concludes that the Playbook serves as
          efforts required to close that gap. Your current state   a digitalisation roadmap with actionable initiatives

          and aspired state in three years will be benchmarked   for maritime companies to embark on their own
          against peers in comparable industry verticals.”  digitalisation journey. “The key is in enabling the
                                                     leadership team, digital champions, or CDOs as
          MDP AS A DIGITALISATION ROADMAP            appointed change agents to seek alignment and
          Digital-ready organisations are best positioned to   buy-in from management and teams to embark on
          thrive with competitive offerings and adaptability to   their digitalisation efforts in an effi  cient manner, by

          new market conditions, whereas those who ignore   outlining the ‘why’, ‘what’ and ‘how’. ‘Why’ refers to the
          digitalisation will be left vulnerable, especially during   vision and outcome the company wants to achieve in

          economic downturns. Being digital-ready will also   their digitalisation efforts, ‘what’ identifi es the priority
          enable the maritime industry to analyse business trends   areas, and ‘how’ considers the structure, process,

          and customer needs to offer competitive freight rates,   people, data, and innovation ecosystem to support

          improve cargo visibility through voyage track and trace,   companies’ efforts on this journey.”
          and use analytics to optimise bunker procurement,
          consumption of compliant fuels, and fl eet deployment.  FURTHER RESOURCES
            The Playbook incorporates key fi ndings of digital    Download the Playbook at
          maturity from the 2020 DAI survey to establish the   web/portal/home/maritime-companies/research-
          state of digitalisation of sub-sectors in the maritime   development/maritime-digitalisation-playbook.
          industry, such as shipping lines, ship management    The SSA and its members run sessions during which
          companies, ship agencies, and harbourcraft    ambassadors will guide maritime companies on
          companies. Maritime companies can chart their   the use of the Playbook and also facilitate further
          digitalisation and innovation journey holistically,   industry digitalisation.
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