Page 33 - SG Nautilus Issue 47.indb
P. 33


                                                 COMPANY SPOTLIGHT

                      WE AIM TO IMPROVE FUNCTIONALITY,




                        Higher Learning to overcome tough problems. “For   operation,” Mr Ko reports. “We utilise a simple scoop-
                        example, we co-developed and patented a marine   and-dump system on our vessels. This, coupled with
                        garbage compactor with the Centre of Innovation   our specialised know-how, allows us to clear tons of
                        (Marine & Offshore Technology) at Ngee Ann   waste efficiently on a daily basis.” The main reason for

                        Polytechnic that increased the collection volume of   this self-reliance is that TSS has yet to be impressed
                        our vessels by 300%,” Mr Ko discloses. “This allowed   by new proposals from other parties. “Many start-ups

                        us to collect more garbage from the ships in port   are not staffed by maritime people; they had created
                        while maintaining the size of our fl eet, a clear leap   table-top solutions to a real maritime problem that
                        in productivity gains.” This is refl ected in the fact   have yet to perform to expectations when deployed
                        that TSS is able to service all ships that call into port   at sea,” he analyses.
                        annually with only fi ve garbage-collection vessels.
                          For fl otsam retrieval, TSS prefers to use its own   FACING THE FUTURE
                        methods. “Our vessel design is integrated with   Mr Ko postulates that, as regional economies expand
                        operating procedures and a management system   and grow in the coming years, the environment will
                        that has been continually improved over 20 years of   pay a price.
                                                                      In preparation for this outcome, TSS intends to take
                                                                    advantage of the company’s culture of innovation and
           ALL CLEAR: COMBATING MARINE PLASTIC POLLUTION            technology. New vessels will be installed with a state-
           “We launched All Clear around November 2019, as we were   of-the-art system that can digitise collection of data

           frustrated to see that an increasing proportion of flotsam we were   and be linked to a cloud-based management system.
           clearing was plastic,” reveals Mr Ko. More frustrating is the fact that   TSS is also co-developing a marine debris forecasting
           most of what TSS was collecting originated from other countries,   system. “With regard to the volume of garbage from
           and entered oceans via rivers, the real source of plastic pollution.   ships, the increase will be gradual and we will make
           Realising this, TSS intends for All Clear to provide a holistic solution   use of our new management platform,” shares Mr Ko.
           that empowers riverside communities, which often lack proper   “This will help to improve our vessel deployment and
           waste management systems, with the tools they need to stop   to also reach out to shipping agents to get an idea of
           throwing their plastic waste away.                       their needs before we service their vessels.” He adds
             “Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, we haven’t been able to enter   that, should the engagement with shipping agents go
           these countries,” Mr Ko laments. “We are now focusing on education   well, TSS may provide them with access to the platform

           and finding ways to instil change locally.” He adds that it is important   so as to improve the efficiency of the services.

           to find local partners aligned with TSS’ vision in order for All Clear to   After three months of development, the
           press forward. But even without being able to go full steam ahead, All   management platform and marine debris forecasting
           Clear has already won numerous admirers. “We have been receiving   system are currently being trialled. “It was a challenge

           many requests from volunteers who want to join our fi ght. Corporates   to figure out how to simplify a complex system with

           have also been interested to partner us,” shares Mr Ko.  different operating profiles in order to enhance the
                                                                    end-user experience,” reveals Mr Ko. “Nevertheless, we
                                                                    managed to integrate these two systems into a single
                                                                    infrastructure platform that can be toggled easily.”
                                                                      Mr Ko feels that the COVID-19 outbreak
                                                                    has shown how timely and vital a cloud-based
                                                                    management system is. “Our system minimises the
                                                                    need for our team members to interact face to face
                                                                    as data, communications, and decision-making can
                                                                    be made on the platform.”
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