Page 29 - SG Nautilus Issue 47.indb
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opportunity. The International Advisory Panel on Decarbonisation lies at the intersection of talent
Maritime Decarbonisation (IAP) is seeking ways to and collaboration. It is a topic that can only be
leverage Singapore’s strengths in this fi eld. As a major solved by actions across the community because it
maritime centre and the world’s leading bunker port, is too large for any one player to tackle alone. It is a
we can play a role in the development of new fuels topic that will require a wide range of talent, which
and efficiency measures to help the industry meet will in turn create interesting new jobs.
its decarbonisation goals, while generating benefi cial
outcomes for Singapore.
cluster, which consistently ranks as the leading
ARE THERE PLANS TO MAKE SINGAPORE A REGIONAL/ maritime centre in the world.
GLOBAL HUB OF MARITIME DECARBONISATION? Although maritime opportunities still exist today,
Singapore has been a highly effective hub for there is a risk that global players retreat to their
numerous sectors, such as maritime, air, and wealth home markets, resulting in smaller clusters. The
management. These have brought signifi cant other challenge is to hold events and activities that
benefi ts: economic activity, jobs, thought leadership, maintain cohesion and the fl ow of ideas.
and reputation. Singapore could certainly be a global Notwithstanding COVID-19, we will continue to
hub for decarbonisation. develop programmes that strengthen Maritime
To be successful as a hub, one needs to be an Singapore, with confi dence that this is an essential
attractive place for global actors to convene, which industry that will continue to be needed for goods
means being open, trusted, and playing a supportive to be supplied around the world. While COVID-19
role as a convenor. This is why, even as we prioritise presents threats to the cluster, it also creates
our citizens during this downturn, we must be careful opportunities if we can remain the most attractive
not to kill the source of our strength as a hub — centre for global maritime companies.
namely, openness to the world.
A possible first step could be to establish a AS CHAIRMAN OF THE BW GROUP, WHICH CAN TRACE ITS
decarbonisation centre, which can act as a nexus for HISTORY BACK TO YOUR GRANDFATHER, WHERE DO YOU
people and ideas. We can also signal our intent to be a SEE THIS SECTOR OF THE MARITIME INDUSTRY HEADING?
leader in this field through policy — shaping standards, IS BW GROUP PREPARED FOR EVER-TIGHTENING
piloting new technologies, and supporting solutions in a EMISSIONS STANDARDS?
targeted way to overcome commercial gaps. Continued volatility and rising regulatory
requirements will make it hard for small shipowners
YOU HAVE BEEN CHAIRMAN OF THE SINGAPORE MARITIME to succeed. Costs are rising, and fi nancing is
FOUNDATION (SMF) SINCE 2016. HOW DOES THAT ROLE increasingly difficult to come by, while state-owned
DOVETAIL WITH YOUR ROLE ON THE IAP? entities are increasing pressure on the private sector.
The purpose of SMF is to help develop maritime Singapore will need to continue to achieve both
talent and to strengthen the cohesion of the breadth (attracting a wide range of players in the
Singapore maritime cluster. Decarbonisation lies at cluster) and depth (strong companies well rooted
the intersection of talent and collaboration. It is a in Singapore) because, in tough times, there is a
topic that can only be solved by actions across the risk that the community gets hollowed out. It will
community because it is too large for any one player to be important to focus on the key elements keeping
tackle alone. It is a topic that will require a wide range companies in Singapore, including access to the best
of talent, which will in turn create interesting new jobs. local and international talent.
There is no question that emission standards will
WHAT HAVE BEEN SOME OF SMF’S KEY ACHIEVEMENTS continue to tighten. BW is tackling this on multiple
DURING YOUR TENURE AS CHAIRMAN? fronts, such as conversion of existing engines,
We operate on a relatively modest budget, with a investments in ships with new propulsion systems,
mandate to raise the profi le of the maritime sector, and development of technology to increase effi ciency.
support students through their studies, and connect We have invested in the largest battery supplier for
job seekers with employers. It is heartening to see the maritime industry, as well as in gas, methanol, and
growing awareness of the maritime sector, and a biofuels; we are studying ammonia and other options
high employment and retention rate among maritime for the future. While there is currently a lot of attention
graduates. Maritime Singapore has also been on carbon-free fuels such as hydrogen, this is going to
successful in building a very collegiate and connected be a long journey built on many small steps.