Page 24 - SG Nautilus Issue 47.indb
P. 24


                                                 MARITIME SERVICES

                                         more assessments are provided   While the Baltic Exchange provides daily freight
                                          directly from the Singapore   market indices, Mr Symonds clarifi es that it does not
                                           office than ever before.   look to hold an opinion on the future of markets.

                                                                    “It prices for today and provides a mechanism for
                                           ROLE OF THE ASSESSOR     trading forward contracts,” he explains. He adds that
                                          On a daily basis, Mr Andy   this is why the Baltic Exchange is trusted to provide a
                                         Symonds, the Senior Freight   framework for the global pricing of shipping markets.
                                        Market Assessor at Baltic
                                      Exchange Asia, thumbs through   PIPELINE OF PRODUCTS
                    Mr Andy Symonds  analyst reports and logs on to news   Ms Lu believes that Asia will continue to be the
                                sites; he also connects with a large network   engine for global economic growth in the foreseeable
                        of vessel owners, charterers, miners, trading houses,   future. The Baltic Exchange will continue to launch
                        and brokers. This is necessary in order for him to   new indices for the global and Asian commodity
                        gather critical and timely information on the rates of   and shipping community in response to market
                        vessels ferrying various commodities.       needs. This will create additional pricing, hedging,
                          Freight market assessors at the Baltic Exchange   and trading mechanisms, providing invaluable
                        are highly experienced, with an excellent   optionality in a time of heightened market volatility
                        understanding of the dynamics in each vessel class.   and uncertainty. “The importance of the region
                        Mr Symonds, for instance, focuses on market data   to shipping can only increase,” she affi  rms. “While
                        relating to Capesize vessels, which are dry cargo   COVID-19 will inevitably impact economic growth in
                        ships typically used in the transportation of coal and   the next few years, I remain very optimistic about
                        iron ore. The data that these assessors collect are   Baltic’s prospects in the region over the longer term.

                        then consolidated and shared with panellists to form   China and India offer great opportunities, but so does
                        shipping indices that are released for use as a guide   Southeast Asia.”
                        to the price of freight for shipping and commodity   Ms Lu encourages more shipping and commodity
                        companies around the world.                 companies in the region to become members of the
                                                                    Baltic Exchange. “As a member, you will have a voice
                                                                    in shaping changes to our existing benchmarks and
                                                                    new benchmarks. It is very important to have more
           BALTIC EXCHANGE: FAST FACTS                              Asian members to reflect Asia’s importance in the
           1  Fast-growing membership base                          maritime sector and their needs.”
             More than 270 years after its inception, the Baltic Exchange remains
           a trusted source of independent maritime market data to more than
           600 corporate members, who hail from the shipping and commodity   STEPPING UP ON INNOVATION
           world, including shipowners, shipbrokers, oil majors, commodity   In the past two years alone, the Baltic Exchange has
           producers and traders, and maritime-related service providers. These
           members represent a significant proportion of global trade — a clear   launched new LNG and LPG freight and container
           indication that the Baltic Exchange remains a stronghold of pricing for   and ship operating expense indices for the benefi t
           international freight.                                   and convenience of its members. Recently, it
                                                                    partnered with air cargo pricing publisher, TAC Index
           2  The Baltic Code                                       Company, to provide air cargo rate assessments. It
             The Baltic Exchange sets standards for ethical business conduct in
           shipping. It requires members to adhere to the Baltic Code, which prescribes   has also continued innovating to provide members
           principles such as participating in negotiations only when in possession of   with more value-added services.

           written authorisation, confirming verbal agreements in writing, and not

           engaging in price fixing. As exemplified by its motto ‘Our Word Our Bond’,   To help buyers and sellers transact safely, the

           the Baltic Code ensures confidence when dealing with a Baltic Exchange   Baltic Exchange launched its escrow service in 2018

                                                                    to hold and safeguard money as an independent
                                                                    third party in sale and purchase transactions. It
           3  Supporting members through COVID-19                   also responded to the need for escrow support in
              During this period of market volatility, the Baltic Exchange offi  ces
           in London and Singapore have continued to hold advisory group and   other areas, such as dispute settlements, security
           council meetings, launch new products and services, including a new suite
           of operating expenses assessments, as well as publish assessments as   payments, as well as mergers and acquisitions.
           scheduled. The exchange’s benchmark data ensure the settlement of both   Mr Dmitry Pismenny, who manages the escrow
           physical and derivatives freight contracts, allowing the market to function   service, attributes the positive response it has
           smoothly even in the midst of COVID-19.
                                                                    received to the fl exibility of its service, the range of
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