Page 25 - SG Nautilus Issue 47.indb
P. 25


                                                 MARITIME SERVICES

          transactions supported, and the timely handling of   Concurring, Mr Federico
          the closing and releasing of funds. “For example,   Grimaldi, Sale & Purchase
          we can either facilitate a physical ship sale and   Manager at Vroon B.V.,
          purchase closing at our Singapore offi  ce, or handle   commends the escrow
          the release of funds remotely, which we have done   team for their fl exible,
          on a number of deals recently,” he says. “The escrow   professional, and effi  cient
          service follows a detailed due-diligence process   service. “Baltic acted as escrow
          without compromising on fl exibility and timeliness   agent in a recent sale and
          to ensure transactions are handled seamlessly. This   purchase transaction, providing
          is reinforced by robust controls of fund movements   professional, swift, and effi  cient   Mr Dmitry Pismenny
          from the dedicated escrow account held with AA-  support at each stage of the process —
          rated Singapore banks.” While the service is handled   from the initial drafting of the contractual agreements
          out of Singapore, it is available to users globally, he   to the know-your-customer on-boarding and the actual
          adds. “The escrow service is not restricted to Baltic   documentary closing. A customer-oriented approach,
          members. We have been working with shipowners as   professionalism, and high responsiveness of the escrow
          well as law fi rms, shipbrokers, and funds who turn to   team allowed for a seamless transaction.”
          the Baltic Exchange for support.”            Mr Pismenny notes that being part of SGX has
            Mr V Bala, a Partner handling Shipping &   helped open the escrow service to clients beyond
          International Trade at the law fi rm of Rajah &   shipping, such as companies in the aviation and real
          Tann, has recommended the Baltic Exchange’s   estate industries. “We have had a positive response in
          escrow service to many clients after experiencing it   Asia and beyond from a diverse user base, as clients
          personally. “We approached Baltic to provide escrow   see us as a good alternative to traditional escrow
          services in a complex settlement agreement,” he   service providers,” he surmises. “The Baltic Exchange’s
          recalls. “Speed was key in achieving the settlement,   independent and neutral position helps diff erentiate
          and it lent a listening ear and provided excellent   the service from other escrow providers. There are no

          service to the parties and their advisors for them to   conflicts of interest, and each transaction is handled
          reach the desired outcome.”                with the highest level of confidentiality and security.”

            SURVIVING COVID-19                          USD                      BDI
            The COVID-19 global pandemic has aff ected many
            sectors globally, and shipping was not spared. The   2,000
            Baltic Dry Index (BDI), the Baltic Exchange’s best
            known dry bulk sea freight index, slumped in the early   1,500
            months of 2020 as global lockdowns hit demand and
            movement of freight. BDI edged higher from June
            onwards due to rising demand for shipping cargo   1,000
            in the Panamax, Capesize and Supramax segments.
            For Panamax, new grain cargoes from Brazil helped   500
            support the market, while iron ore inventory
            replenishments assisted the Capesize revival.   JAN 20  FEB  MAR    APR    MAY    JUN   JUL   AUG

            Volatility was observed in the tanker markets, with   USD         VLCC TCE
            daily charter rates for Very Large Crude Carriers
            (VLCCs) rising as high as US$250,000 in March before   250,000
            plummeting around mid-April. Since then, rates
            have continued falling, dropping  below US$10,000   200,000

            in August. Tankers benefited from a collapse in oil   150,000
            prices in March as they were used for sea storage by
            traders, who were anticipating higher future prices,   100,000
            and refiners, who were running out of land-storage

            options. Charter rates subsequently fell due to OPEC   50,000
            production cuts, and the unwinding of fl oating storage
            as the oil price contango fl attened.             JAN 20  FEB  MAR    APR   MAY    JUN   JUL   AUG
   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30