Page 27 - SG Nautilus Issue 47.indb
P. 27


                                                  PORT & STARBOARD

                                                    THE INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES USED IN THE

                                                    REMOTE SURVEY HAVE ENABLED PSA MARINE TO
                                                    COMPLETE OUR SURVEYS ON SCHEDULE DESPITE

                                                    COVID-19, WHILE ENSURING OUR HARBOUR
                                                    TUGS CONTINUE SERVING OUR CUSTOMERS

                                                    WITHOUT DELAY OR DISRUPTIONS.

                        EMBRACING CHANGE                            now integral to the maritime world’s new normal.
                        With physical distancing measures and travel   “Since COVID-19 hit Singapore, we have been
                        restrictions arising from COVID-19, being able to   constantly exploring, improving, and adapting to
                        confi dently rely on robust remote surveys has   changing operating models and new technologies
                        become increasingly important. Unlike traditional   on remote survey techniques on board Singapore-
                        marine surveys, remote surveys require vessel crew   registered ships (SRS),” he shares.
                        to get hands-on with digital technologies.    He adds that MPA’s commitment to digitalisation
                          Mr Bernard Wong, Head (Fleet Management)   has helped the organisation combine long-standing
                        at PSA Marine, recalls how the organisation’s crew   technical expertise with cutting-edge tools and
                        quickly warmed up to the idea. “Despite the initial   technologies. “Our Flag State surveyors are accessing
                        apprehensions, our crew challenged their mindsets   a variety of data sources, using live-streaming
                        and eventually embraced the opportunity to carry   with two-way communications and surveyors
                        out the inaugural remote survey as they became   making engineering and technical decisions and
                        increasingly certain of the advantages and benefi ts   recommendations without physically attending to
                        of doing so. Our crew took full ownership of the   the ship,” he illustrates. “Working closely with our
                        survey and played a critical role in the successful   stakeholders, such as Recognised Organisations and
                        completion of this remote survey,” he reveals,   SRS operators, we have carried out many successful
                        adding that the department managers also played a   trials of remote fl ag state inspections, although
                        key role in operationalising the remote survey as they   we faced many challenges initially.” MPA will continue
                        encouraged and worked alongside the crew.   to explore such remote survey capabilities, as this
                          Mr Chew commends his team at PSA Marine for   trend is likely to continue post-COVID and become a
                        embracing these changes and technologies with agility   new normal in the shipping industry.
                        and resilience. “They are fully supportive of PSA   With the ability to adapt and change being a key

                        Marine’s continuing efforts to build a smarter, safer,   success factor in the future of the maritime industry,

                                        and more effi  cient fleet of the   PSA Marine and Bureau Veritas are equally optimistic
                                        future,” he affi  rms.        that process automation and digital technology such
                                        Mr Wong elaborates, “With the   as remote surveys will increasingly be accepted and
                                        remote survey successfully   adopted as the new normal in a post-COVID world.
                                        conducted, we continue to   Describing the remote survey as one of the ways
                                        reimagine how some of our   PSA Marine reinvents traditions, Mr Wong notes,
                                        work processes can be carried   “Remote marine surveys can overcome physical and
                                        out remotely as we adapt and   geographical barriers as well as encourage a digitally
                                        overcome the challenges imposed   ready mindset. We have observed the industry moving
                                        by the pandemic.”           quickly to leverage remote surveys, and we are proud
                                                                    to be a part of this movement.” He encourages other
                                        CHARTING A NEW NORMAL       harbour tug owners to try out remote marine surveys
                                        Mr Cheah Aun Aun, Deputy    whenever their situation permits. “We have shared
                                        Director of Shipping and Marine,   our remote survey experiences with PSA Marine’s
                                        MPA, refl ects on how such   overseas business units, and we plan to implement

                                        innovative digital capabilities are   this gradually across the fleet in the near future.”
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