Page 30 - SG Nautilus Issue 47.indb
P. 30
making digital
transformation manageable
The Maritime Digitalisation Playbook was launched in June to support maritime companies in advancing their digital
capabilities as the economy recovers. Jasmine Chung explores steps the industry can take to get future-ready
The future of Maritime Singapore is guided by the In 2019, MPA and SSA formed the Circle of Digital
Sea Transport Industry Transformation Map, and InnOvators (CDO) network, supported by digital
the Maritime Digitalisation Playbook (MDP) is a part leaders, working towards realising the vision of
of the efforts of the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore as a Global Maritime Hub for Connectivity,
Singapore (MPA), Singapore Shipping Association Innovation and Talent. “To ensure Maritime Singapore
(SSA), and Infocomm Media Development Authority. stays ahead of the curve, MPA has been working
with industry partners to leverage key digitalisation
SUPPORTING THE FUTURE OF MARITIME SINGAPORE tools to support maritime companies. A natural
In 2020 and beyond, the maritime industry will extension to the partnership efforts between MPA
be largely defined by increased disruptions and and SSA, the MDP was developed as a diagnostic tool
digitalisation, driven by the rise of disruptive and step-by-step guide, particularly for small and
technologies and a push towards greater digitalisation medium enterprises, to formulate their digitalisation
and innovation. Says Mr Kenneth Lim, Chief roadmaps,” explains Mr Lim.
Technology Officer and Senior Director of MPA’s According to Mr Steen Brodsgaard Lund, Chair
Innovation, Technology and Talent Division, “This of the Digital Transformation Committee in SSA, one
has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis, of the challenges that maritime companies face is
which underscored the importance of supply chain the classic conundrum of breaking down a massive
resilience in the face of global supply chain shocks. task into more manageable chunks. “The Playbook
In this current climate of increased uncertainty, there addresses the daunting and somewhat vague concept
remains a pertinent need for our maritime companies of digitalising into tangible and sequential steps, and
to continue their future-ready digitalisation eff orts to provides a structured approach to distil limitless
remain effi cient and competitive.” opportunities for change into a few dimensions of high