Page 19 - SG Nautilus Issue 47.indb
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                                                   I ISSUE 47 7  PAGE 17 7
                                                   ISSUE 47
                                                              AGE 17
                                                       FE FEATURE
          BLUEPRINT 2050                                MARITIME GREENFUTURE FUND
          Another milestone in the Maritime Singapore story   Announced in March, the Maritime GreenFuture Fund aims

          will be etched in 2021, when MPA launches the   to direct and accelerate efforts in decarbonisation R&D, and
          Maritime Singapore Decarbonisation Blueprint 2050.  develop solutions for sustainable maritime transport.
                                                          “One area in which we’re particularly keen on is the use of
            Mr Kenneth Lim, Senior Director of Innovation,   alternative energy, which we believe has potential in reducing
          Technology & Talent Development at MPA, shares   the greenhouse gas emissions of the maritime industry,”
          that the blueprint will contain a few focus areas.   enthuses Mr Lim.
          “Domestically, MPA hopes that port terminal     Support for the fund from MPA’s partners has been strong.
          and local harbourcraft operators can implement   “One such partner is Rainmaking, which is supporting the fund
          operational measures to reduce their carbon   by committing up to S$10 million to invest in promising start-
                                                        ups. Similarly, Nanyang Technological University’s (NTU) Ecolabs
          footprint and adopt lower-carbon alternative   Centre of Innovation for Energy and its industry partners have
          energy sources, such as LNG or electrifi cation,” he   committed up to S$6 million to support successful start-ups
          elaborates. “A bunkering roadmap for transitioning   from the Smart Port Challenge,” adds Mr Lim.
          Singapore’s bunkering industry to cater for future   Mr Michael Pomerleau, Partner & Investor of Rainmaking,
          lower-carbon fuels is also in the works. On the   believes that international shipping is under unprecedented
                                                        pressure to embark on a journey of decarbonisation, driving
          international front, MPA will continue to work with   players to not just adopt existing solutions but, more importantly,
          the industry to adopt energy-effi  cient ship designs   scale newer ones by driving innovation in collaboration with
          and for Singapore-registered ships to be more   leading corporates. “The current crisis calls

          sustainable in their operations.”             for a joint, concentrated effort, and it is all
            As for R&D, Mr Lim reveals, “MPA has established   the more important that we unite our
          the Maritime GreenFuture Fund, with an initial   partners to tackle the climate crisis,”
                                                        Mr Pomerleau emphasises. “To this
          funding of S$40 million to accelerate eff orts in   effect, Rainmaking is committed to

          technology research, pilot trials, and leading to   providing a unique opportunity to not
          eventual adoption.”                           just the start-ups but partners alike to
                                                        come together, syndicate, and scale
                                                        potential solutions on our platform.”
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