Page 38 - SG Nautilus Issue 47.indb
P. 38

                                                              AGE 36
                                                   ISSUE 47  P PAGE 36
                                                   COMMUNITY TALK
                                                   COMMUNITY T

                                                                      With the mounting pressure to decarbonise its
                        WITH THE MOUNTING PRESSURE TO               practices and operations, the shipping community
                DECARBONISE, THE SHIPPING COMMUNITY                 is facing the impact of asset cost and reduced
                                                                    earning capacity as it transitions into zero-carbon
                     IS FACING THE IMPACT OF ASSET COST             state, which could be from mid- to long-term. This
                                                                    is on top of the COVID-19 pandemic, slow recovery,
                   AND REDUCED EARNING CAPACITY AS IT               geopolitical development, uncertain energy policies,
                                                                    the different pace of development, including the

         TRANSITIONS INTO ZERO-CARBON STATE, WHICH                  high pricing, especially immature technologies. Such
                                                                    challenges remain for maritime stakeholders, who
                    COULD BE FROM MID- TO LONG-TERM.                must stay focused to navigate into the future and
                                                                    make very informed decisions.
                                                                      In terms of opportunities, other than expedited
                                                    MR WONG WENG SUN  technology development yielding greater
                                      PRESIDENT & CEO, SEMBCORP MARINE LTD;   improvements in energy effi  ciency, working towards
                CO-CHAIR, INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY PANEL ON MARITIME DECARBONISATION  the decarbonisation target can emerge as an
                                                                    opportunity to transform the sector and become
                                                                    the main infl uencer to the global supply chain. We

                        MODERATOR: LEY HOON HAS POINTED OUT THE     could improve efficiency and response time, reduce
                        NEED TO ACCELERATE THE PROCESS OF MARITIME   wastage, and help to improve shipping’s carbon-
                        DECARBONISATION. WHAT IS THE INDUSTRY’S     reduction rate and profi tability. This is possible,
                        VIEW ON THE CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES?   especially when the sector is collectively embarking
                        WHAT WOULD BE USEFUL OR NECESSARY FOR       on early digitalisation, use of IoT, as well as adopting
                        THE TRANSITION OF INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING    digital twin and e-connectivity, etc.
                        TO LOW- TO ZERO-CARBON?
                        ASP: I see an opportunity to leverage our industry’s   MODERATOR: IN HIS OPENING REMARKS, IMO
                        capabilities in technology and engineering to reduce   SECRETARY-GENERAL KITACK LIM SPOKE ABOUT
                        our environmental footprint. Additionally, I think we   IMO INITIATING MARKET-BASED MEASURES TO
                        can lead the way on a carbon levy (or mandatory   INCENTIVISE THE USE OF GREEN MARINE FUELS.
                        R&D contribution) because we have this unique   PERHAPS ANDREAS COULD ELABORATE ON THE
                        entity with IMO as a global regulator. We also have   CARBON LEVY HE MENTIONED AND HOW IT CAN
                        an opportunity to create new fuels that can be   HELP IN ACCELERATING THE DECARBONISATION OF
                        applied across other industries beyond shipping.  INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING.
                          In terms of challenges, the cost gap is important   ASP: A levy has two sides to it: one is penalty, and
                        to address as the industry has been operating on   the other is incentive. An increase in the cost of
                        low margins for a long time. Collaboration between   fuel can be a penalty, but how high does it have
                        stakeholders — such as shipowners, engine makers,   to be in order to be a real penalty? Incentives
                        ship builders, fuel suppliers, governments, and   can be channelled back into the industry to do
                        infrastructure builders — needs to happen. We   research and development, scaling and building
                        also need proper accounting and measurements in   infrastructure with the purpose of achieving
                        order to focus on the right things.         decarbonisation. If you can get those two together,
                        WWS: I think the main challenge is still a technical   I think it could be very eff ective.
                        solution leading to a new substitute for marine   For a levy to work, it has to be predictable
                        fossil fuel as well as its accessibility. At the same   and it has to provide a level playing fi eld. If you
                        time, we need to build capabilities to overcome   have a predictable price increase over time,
                        capacity constraint, engine development, or phasing   businesses can determine which mitigation
                        out existing combustion engines. We also need to   measures are economically feasible, and what
                        consider the availability of investment to support   investments to make. For a levy to be eff ective in
                        R&D and infrastructure.                     a global industry, it needs to be a global scheme.
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