Technical Training for MPA Officers
MPAA works with the relevant line divisions to organise technical training based on the respective Key Domain Expertise / Competency Framework to enhance their specialistic skills and knowledge. The courses are conducted either by in-house subject matter experts or external training service providers. Training takes the form of blended learning which entails, but not limited to, classroom teaching, on-the-job training, industry attachments and virtual learning.
For VTS training, MPAA has been partnering the SMA since 2013 and the VTS courses (VTS Operator Training and VTS Supervisor Training) conducted by the SMA and MPAA were assessed to be compliant with IALA standards. Both academies received IALA accreditation for VTS training and are now on the list of IALA approved VTS training providers.
In 2021, MPA obtained accreditation for its marine surveyor training programme from IMarEST. The accreditation process is an independent assessment of the training programme to ensure that the programme is of good quality and is effective in meeting its learning outcomes.
To ensure that the training is relevant and useful, MPAA has regular meetings with the respective Divisions to review and take stock of the training conducted and to identify their training requirements for the coming year.