Additive Manufacturing for Singapore's Maritime Industry (Phase 3)

Joint Industry Programme (JIP) Phase 3 - Call for Proposals 2024

  1. Background: JIP Phase 1 (Launched in 2019) provided an examination of the market feasibility of using AM for marine parts. Building on the insights of Phase 1, Phase 2 (Launched in 2020) delved into AM fabrication, testing, inspection, and certification of maritime and / or marine parts. Phase 2 paved the way for a deeper understanding of AM’s capabilities and challenges. Whilst it validated the technical aspects of AM for maritime applications, it also revealed some challenges of scaled adoption. This includes limited capabilities in data preparation and design, lack of industry-wide standards and lack of digital infrastructure optimised for 3D printing workflows.  

    As the maritime sector continues to explore the use of AM, companies are increasingly aware of the benefits of 3D printing, presenting a mindset shift asking ‘how’ to integrate the technology and scale up production rather than seeking ‘why’ should they use it.

    AM JIP phase 3 aims to accelerate the adoption of AM marine parts and strengthen the resilience of our supply chain. The details of Phase 3 are outlined below.

  2. Objective: AM JIP phase 3 aims to accelerate the adoption of AM marine parts and strengthen the resilience of our supply chain. We invite interested industry consortia to submit a proposal that will serve as successful case studies in Singapore.

  3. Challenge Statement: To encourage and integrate AM within the maritime industry, three tracks have been identified.

    Track 1 – Strengthen resilience of Singapore’s supply chain for marine parts
    : OEMs, distributors and end users are welcome to digitalise their designs through development of digital library of parts and / or replacement parts enabled by AM.

    Track 2 – Rapid qualification and certification by Classification Societies: Classification societies are welcome to develop and streamline rapid qualification and certification process, to reduce the costs and duration for parts certification.  

    Track 3 – Design for AM (DfAM) for Electric Vessels
    : Develop, test, and install AM parts in Electric Vessels for the purpose of weight reduction (at least 10% of weight reduction potential) and potential cost savings, with the goal of making Electric vessels more economically viable for adoption. These may include the need for re-design of existing technologies / systems used in electric vessels.  May reference the Call for Expression on Interest to design and promote adoption of electric harbour craft in Singapore.


Please refer to the PDF ( CFP_AM JIP Phase 3) for more information. 
Application Deadline for Phase 3: 11 August 2024