In recognition of the importance of grooming interested individuals to pursue a long-term career in seafaring, the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), together with the Singapore Shipping Association (SSA), Singapore Maritime Officers’ Union (SMOU), Singapore Organisation of Seamen (SOS) and Employment and Employability Institute (e2i), launched the Sail Milestone Achievement Programme (SailMAP) to provide each local seafarer with up to S$50,000 when they attain key milestones in their seafaring career.

Since the launch of the programme on 1st June 2022, MPA conducted 2 engagement sessions with local seafarers to address their concerns and queries.


On 13th July 2022, MPA participated in the Young Mariners’ Networking session which accommodated approximately 110 youths from the Institute of Technical Education (ITE), Singapore Maritime Academy (SMA) and Young SMOU members. Amongst the various topics regarding the countless opportunities available within a career in seafaring, MPA shared on SailMAP and answered questions from the youths.


Zheng Yi, Deputy Director of Training Standards Department, answered enquiries relating to the Certificate of Competency (COC) oral and simulator examinations

MPA also jointly organised another engagement session with SMA on 19th July 2022. The session was opened by Mr Cheah Aun Aun, Director of Marine, MPA. Mr Cheah spoke on the importance of self-awareness of one’s mental wellbeing and emphasised that one must have the right mindset when it comes to seafaring – with seafaring being a laborious and tough career, but a rewarding one. Thereafter, MPA shared on the SailMAP scheme and an invited guest, Captain Hari Subramaniam, Regional Manager, The Shipowners’ Mutual Protection and Indemnity Association (Luxembourg), spoke about planning for a career after seafaring. The session was wrapped up by Captain Mohamad Salleh, Director, Singapore Maritime Academy, who shared about the available opportunities for Seafarers, and reminded all students to work hard and persevere through until they obtain their Certificate of Competency Class 1.


Mr Cheah Aun Aun, Director of Marine, MPA, delivering the opening speech.


Captain Hari Subramaniam, Regional Manager, The Shipowners’ Mutual Protection and Indemnity Association (Luxembourg)


Capt. Hari, Mr Cheah and Capt. Zheng Yi pictured with students from SMA

These engagement sessions were well received and applications for the SailMAP programme has been robust. With over S$100,000 of awards being issued to eligible candidates in less than 6 months, we continue to encourage local seafarers to stay motivated and focused on their seafaring career. For owners and managers of Singapore Registered Ships (SRS), we appreciate and seek your continuous support to place, train and encourage Singaporean cadets and officers to progress in their careers.

For more information on the SailMAP programme, you may refer to Shipping Circular 9 of 2022 or by Clicking here.