The revised Merchant Shipping (Pleasure Craft) regulations came into effect from 1 July 2020. As part of the revision, Singapore pleasure craft must be surveyed once every 3 years to determine its safety for use at sea. Please refer to the following webpage for further information:

This pleasure craft survey may be conducted by recognised surveyors from the following 9 MPA Accredited Organisations:

  • 1. Horsburgh Marine Services Pte Ltd
  • 2. ABL Energy & Marine Consultants Pte Ltd
  • 3. Panahon Marine Surveys Services Pte Ltd
  • 4. Marvelous Yachting Pte Ltd
  • 5. Neptune Safety Far East Pte Ltd
  • 6. Yacht Survey and Services Pte Ltd
  • 7. Eelat Pte Ltd
  • 8. Lloyd’s Register
  • 9. RINA

As part of our engagement efforts to promote safe leisure boating, MPA’s Director of Shipping, Mr Cheah Aun Aun met recognised surveyors from the accredited organisations.

It was a fruitful engagement session, with surveyors sharing challenges faced when conducting surveys and the meeting discussed and aligned on various best practices to adopt when facing these challenges.

We look forward to hosting the recognised surveyors at our next annual meetup!


Photo taken with surveyors from Accredited Organisations on 9 Nov 2022 at mTower