Page 8 - SG Nautilus Issue 47.indb
P. 8


                                                   SHIP’S LOG NEWS

                                                                    DECARBONISATION OF HARBOURCRAFT INDUSTRY:
                                                                    CALL FOR PROPOSALS
                                                                    The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore
                                                                    (MPA) and Singapore Maritime Institute (SMI) are
                                                                    jointly calling for proposals for the electrifi cation of
                                                                    harbourcraft by consortiums comprising industry
                                                                    players and institutes of higher learning as well
                                                                    as research institutes. The aim of this call for
                                                                    proposals is to support the transition of Singapore’s
                                                                    harbourcraft industry towards a low-carbon future,
                                                                    and is a step towards the decarbonisation of this
                                                                    sector of Maritime Singapore.
          SUPPORTING SAFE CREW CHANGE WITH                            Proposals should be focused on developing
          FUNDING AND A CREW FACILITATION CENTRE                    commercially ready, fully electric harbourcraft and/
            When the COVID-19 pandemic   Hotel or accommodation vessel   or interoperable shore-charging infrastructure for
          hit and countries began   POSH Bawean.                    electric harbourcraft and other electric vessels
          shutting their borders due to   To further support        operating in the Port of Singapore. Those with a
          lockdowns, the Maritime and   seafarers, the S$1 million   viable business model for scalability will be favourably
          Port Authority of Singapore   Singapore Shipping Tripartite   considered. A total of S$9 million from the Maritime
          (MPA) initiated the facilitation   Alliance Resilience (SG-STAR)   GreenFuture Fund will be set aside to co-fund the
          of safe change of crew for the   Fund was established by   selected proposals.
          ships that call at the Port of   MPA, Singapore Shipping    “Singapore is committed to invest in maritime
          Singapore. MPA believes that   Association, Singapore     decarbonisation technologies. Through this call,
          seafarers play an important role   Maritime Offi  cers’ Union, and   we want to spur collaborative efforts to generate

          in international trade and global   Singapore Organisation of   innovative ideas and facilitate cross-sharing of
          supply chains and, as such, has   Seamen. It is the fi rst global   domain expertise in vessel electrifi cation between
          taken further steps to enhance   tripartite initiative to facilitate   industry and academia. We look forward to co-
          crew change to take place   solutions for safe crew       creating solutions with our industry partners and
          in Singapore safely for their   changes, such as best practices   institutes of higher learning to make our port more
          mental well-being and health.  for crew holding facilities and   sustainable,”  said Mr Kenneth Lim, MPA’s Chief
            MPA, with support from   swab testing centres. With     Technology Officer and Senior Director, Innovation,

          PSA Singapore, launched   additional contributions from   Technology and Talent Development.
          on September 1 the Crew   the International Transport       Added Dr Sanjay C Kuttan, SMI’s Executive
          Facilitation Centre (CFC).   Workers’ Federation and      Director, “Green supply chain is the future of
          Converted from an existing   the International Maritime   shipping. For Singapore to maintain its hub status,
          fl oating accommodation at the   Employers’ Council, the fund   innovation must enable the transformation of the
          Tanjong Pagar Terminal, CFC is   now stands at S$1.68 million   shipping industry through co-creation. To accelerate
          a self-contained facility with an   (approximately US$1.2 million),   our decarbonisation efforts of the local harbourcraft

          onsite medical centre, as well   and will be disbursed upstream   industry, we invite industry innovators to lead a
          as testing and holding facilities.  where seafarers hail from.  consortium with our local researchers to deliver
            The CFC houses sign-on     “This dedicated facility for   impact in our fi ght against climate change.”
          crew prior to them boarding   crew change and the Fund are
          their ships if their ship and fl ight   the results of the collaboration
          schedules cannot be matched. It   between MPA, industry
          will facilitate more crew change   associations, and seafarer
          to take place in Singapore and   unions. As shipping is a global
          keep both the ships and local   business, we hope that more
          community safe. As for sign-off    ports and stakeholders will join
          crew, they will proceed to depart   us in such initiatives, so that
          Singapore. If they have to wait for   seafarers can continue their
          their departure, they can stay in   work and keep the supply lines
          designated holding facilities for   of the world open,” said Mr Ong
          up to 72 hours — either Seacare   Ye Kung, Minister for Transport.
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