Page 4 - SG Nautilus Issue 47.indb
P. 4



                               sailing               To say that the global economy   rivers. The company, featured
                                                     depends on shipping would be
                                                                                  in Company Spotlight, is also
                                                                                  involved in clearing Singapore’s
                                                     a vast understatement; after all,
                                                     more than 80% of all trade is   waterways of navigation hazards
                                                     seaborne. And Singapore — a   and rubbish from ships anchored
                                                     global hub port — has certainly   in the Port of Singapore.
                           towards  reaped the rewards of the more                   Beyond putting a sulphur cap
                                                     than 130,000 ships that call at its   on bunker fuels, the maritime
                           greener                   port each year.              industry collectively needs to
                                                        According to the World Shipping
                                                                                  reduce its carbon footprint.
                                                     Council, shipping is the most   To this end, an International
                                                                                  Advisory Panel on Maritime
                                                     carbon-friendly transportation
                       practices                     mode, citing an International   Decarbonisation was recently
                                                                                  formed. In Personality, Singapore
                                                     Maritime Organization (IMO) report,
                                                     which states that international   Nautilus speaks to
                 While shipping may already be the least-  shipping accounts for only 2.7%   Mr Andreas Sohmen-Pao,
                                                     of the annual global greenhouse   Co-Chairman of the panel, about
                polluting transportation mode, Singapore-
                                                     gas emissions. The council also   how that role dovetails with his
                   based and international shipping lines   cites another report — by the   position as Chairman of the
                 alike are implementing more sustainable   Swedish Network for Transport   Singapore Maritime Foundation.
                                                     and the Environment — which says   He was also part of a webinar
                    practices to protect the environment  shipping produces far less gaseous   on the decarbonisation issue —
                                                     emissions per tonne per kilometre   read the panellists’ insights in
                                                     than by either air or road.  Community Talk.
                                                        However little the amount of   In addition to making Maritime
                                                     pollution generated by shipping,   Singapore a centre of best
                                                     it all adds up. This takes into   practices to protect and sustain
                                                     consideration the sheer number   the marine environment, MPA
                                                     of vessels plying just the waters   is committed to supporting our
                                                     of Singapore alone. It is therefore   seafarers, who sacrifice time away

                                                     encouraging to learn that shipping   from friends and family to man
                                                     companies, especially our local   ships, mobilise supply chains, and
                                                     ones, are pursuing environmental   keep our ports open. To this end,
                                                     protection as part of their   MPA — together with our industry
                                                     business practices.          partners, shipping associations,
                                                        For example, Eastern Pacifi c   and our unions — has put in place
                                                     Shipping’s entire fl eet is already   a slew of initiatives to provide a
                                                     IMO 2020-compliant. More     ‘safe corridor’ for crew change and
                                                     positively, some vessels are   other support for seafarers. Read
                                                     already using LNG and LPG, and   more about this in Special Feature.
                                                     management is open to even      I hope that, after reading this
                                                     greener bunker fuels. More   issue, you will be inspired to take
                                                     details are available in     your own steps — personal and
                                                     Commentary. Another threat to   professional — to be a good
                                                     the marine environment is plastic   steward of the environment for the
                                                     pollution. This is more insidious,   next generation.
                                                     as this near-indestructible
                                                     material ends up in the food
                                                     chain when it breaks up into small
                                                     particles. Tian San Shipping is
                                                     keen to capture plastic fl otsam   CAITLIN FUA
                                                                                  CAITLIN FUA
                                                     at its source, which is usually the   EXECUTIVE EDITOR
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