Page 3 - SG Nautilus Issue 47.indb
P. 3



                    PAGE                     PAGE                     PAGE                     PAGE
                   O3                       11                       15                       21

                 SHIP’S LOG            SPECIAL FEATURE              FEATURE            MARITIME SERVICES
                 news and                 leading a            towards cleaner &        stronghold of sea
             happenings at MPA          swift response         greener shipping         transport pricing

                    PAGE                     PAGE                     PAGE                     PAGE
                    24                      26                       28                       30

             PORT & STARBOARD            PERSONALITY              TECHNOLOGY           COMPANY SPOTLIGHT
                 reinventing               andreas               making digital            keeping our
               marine surveys            sohmen-pao              transformation         waterways clear

                    PAGE                     PAGE                     PAGE                     PAGE
                    32                      34                       38                       40

                COMMENTARY             COMMUNITY TALK               CAREERS              THE BACK PAGE
                 prepping a             decarbonising             study while            c onstruction of
              future-ready fl eet     international shipping        you work            Tuas Port (Phase 2)

         publisher         executive board  executive editor  publishing agent  MANAGING DIRECTOR   HEAD, CLIENT RELATIONSHIP
                           Quah Ley Hoon    Caitlin Fua                        Christopher Tay  Jessie Kek
                           Tan Beng Tee
                           Captain M Segar  deputy                             editorial       creative
                           Tan Hoe Soon     executive editor
                                            Sharon Tan                         HEAD, EDITORIAL   HEAD, CREATIVE
                                                                               Chua Kim Beng   Sean Lee
                                            editor           WWW.THINKFARM.SG  EDITOR          ART DIRECTOR
                                            Cassandra Yue                      Dang Hui Ling   Lee Lily

          MARITIME AND PORT AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE                 Singapore Nautilus is published by ThinkFarm Pte Ltd (Registration No: 201226362G) for the
                                                                   Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA). Copyright of the materials contained in this
                                                                   magazine belongs to MPA. Views expressed may not necessarily be those of MPA or ThinkFarm Pte
          460 Alexandra Road #19-00 PSA Building Singapore 119963  Ltd. All rights reserved. Enquiries should be directed to the Editor, Maritime and Port Authority of
          Tel:  +65 1800 272 7777 Fax: +65 6275 9247               Singapore, 460 Alexandra Road, #19-00 PSA Building, Singapore 119963. Tel: +65 1800 272 7777,
                                           Fax: +65 6275 9247, E-mail: All information is correct at time of printing.
                                                                   Printed in Singapore by Times Printers Pte Ltd (Registration No: 196700328H). ISSN 2010-1120.
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