MPA Global Internship Award sees record 45 internships with 30 companies

15 May 2018


MPA Global Internship Award sees record 45 internships with 30 companies

New cultural immersion component to prepare students
for workplace diversity

     The MPA Global Internship Award (GIA) was awarded to a record 45 students who will undertake their internships with 30 host companies this year – the highest participation since the programme’s launch in 2013. The students received their awards from Mr Andrew Tan, Chief Executive of the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), and representatives of the host companies at the annual MPA GIA presentation ceremony held at the Marriott Hotel this evening.

2     The MPA GIA was established in response to industry demand for multi-skilled talent with a global mindset. It aims to raise students’ awareness of the maritime industry’s importance to Singapore, as well as the enriching and rewarding maritime career opportunities available. To date, 172 students have received the MPA GIA, which offers internship opportunities with host companies representing diverse maritime sectors.  This year, a new sector, insurance broking, has been added. (See Annex A for list of companies)
Developing multi-skilled talent with global mindset

3     The MPA GIA programme offers students the opportunity to gain on-the-job experience and global exposure, which are highly valued by employers. This will give them a head-start in their careers.

4     To better prepare students for their overseas internship stint, this year’s programme introduces a new cross-cultural diversity introductory session. Students will be trained to be more aware of their personal responses to diverse cultures and acquire effective strategies to manage cultural diversity in the workplace.

5     In his address at the ceremony, Mr Tan said, “As much as we should harness innovation and technology to stay ahead, our maritime cluster is ultimately held together by people, good talent and the relationships that power the businesses. That is why it is essential for us to develop our human capital.”

6     To remain relevant in the maritime industry that is undergoing transformation, it is also important that employees are resilient. One MPA GIA recipient who exemplifies this quality is Mr Muhammad Imran Bin Md Zin, a current Bachelor of Science in Maritime Studies undergraduate from Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Determined to pursue a university degree, he took the unconventional academic route of first graduating with a Higher NITEC in Business IT from the Institute of Technical Education and obtaining a Diploma in Industrial and Operations Management from Republic Polytechnic, before pursuing his undergraduate studies at NTU.

7     Mr Muhammad Imran said, “While contemplating my university course options, I decided to take up Maritime Studies at NTU as I believe that Maritime Singapore has a broad range of opportunities, particularly in port and shipping. I am very much looking forward to my internship at CMA CGM. Not only will I get to experience working in a regional environment in their Asia Pacific office in Singapore, I will also learn what it is like to be in a global office setting in the company’s headquarters in Marseille, France.”

8     Equally excited about her MPA GIA internship with The North of England Protecting & Indemnity Club (North) is Ms Kimberly Lim. Ms Lim, who is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Laws at the National University of Singapore (NUS) said, “The MPA GIA programme has presented me a unique opportunity to understand how maritime legal knowledge can be applied in marine insurance.” As part of her two-week overseas internship at North’s headquarters in Newcastle upon Tyne, she will attend North’s industry-renowned Residential Training Course, which is conducted every year in the UK and every other year in Singapore. 

9     “The diversity of this industry offers rewarding and enriching careers to youths who wish to venture beyond traditional careers,” added Mr Tan.

MPA+CE+opening+addressMr Andrew Tan, Chief Executive of Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), giving the opening address at the MPA Global Internship Award 2018 presentation ceremony.


MPA+GIA+2018+recipients+and+company+repsA record 45 students and 30 companies participated in the MPA GIA 2018 programme.


Cultural+diversity+intro+sessionUnderstanding cross-cultural diversity  a new component in the MPA GIA 2018 programme to better prepare students for their overseas internship stint.


Annex A — List of participating companies

"K" Line Pte Ltd
ANL Singapore Pte Ltd
Asiatic Lloyd Maritime LLP
Aurora Tankers Management Pte Ltd
BLPL Singapore Pte Ltd
BP Singapore Pte Ltd
BW Offshore Singapore Pte Ltd
CMA CGM Asia Pte Ltd
DNB Asia Ltd
Gazprom Marketing & Trading Singapore Pte Ltd
Gibson Brokers Pte Ltd
Grindrod Shipping Pte Ltd
Howe Robinson Partners Pte Ltd
HSH Nordbank AG
J. Lauritzen Singapore Pte Ltd
Maersk Singapore Pte Ltd
Miclyn Express Offshore Pte Ltd
MOL Chemical Tankers Pte Ltd
Norden Shipping (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Oldendorff Carriers Singapore Pte Ltd
Pacific Carriers Limited
Pacific International Lines Pte Ltd
Pacific Radiance Ltd
RFIB Group Ltd
Swire Pacific Offshore Operations Pte Ltd
Teekay Marine (Singapore) Pte Ltd
The China Navigation Company Pte Ltd
The North of England Protecting & Indemnity Club
The Standard Club Asia Ltd
TORM Singapore Pte Ltd