The Integrated Simulation Centre (ISC) was set up in 2002 to align with Maritime Singapore's vision to become the leader in marine simulator-based training and research and development (R&D). The ISC was developed after the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) and Singapore Polytechnic (SP) signed an agreement on 29 Aug 2001 to build and host the ISC building on SP's premises for 15 years. The agreement was subsequently renewed in 2016 for another 5 years.
The ISC has played an instrumental role in upholding the high education and training standards for the maritime sector. It is a convenient simulator training platform with an array of simulators that presents learners with a wide range of realistic training scenarios, such as working in the navigation bridge, ship engine control room and machinery space.
The collaboration between MPA and SP has reaped benefits for the maritime industry for over a decade. It has facilitated the efficient transfer of maritime knowledge between MPA and SMA, addressed varying maritime simulator training demands from the industries, and reduced the simulator operating costs. The lower operating costs, in turn, have translated into more affordable course fees for simulator training.
As the current agreement will expire in December 2021, MPA and SP have renewed this collaborative agreement for another 5 years until 2026 so that it will continue to provide relevant training for the maritime professionals.
Mr. Cheah Aun Aun, Director of Shipping, MPA and Capt. Salleh, Director of SMA, SP signed the new agreement on 08 Dec 2021 at ISC, setting a new milestone in Singapore's maritime simulator development journey.