
Early 2021, a bunker tanker SBV was made fast alongside and supplying bunkers to an oil tanker MTX. At about 2230 hours, the deck crew of the MTX had observed a shore Technician disembarking to SBV.

The Technician, who was donned with a life vest, was carrying some items with him when he made his way towards the port side pilot ladder of the SBV. A launch boat meant for the Technician, was seen a short distance away, making way towards SBV.

Whilst descending the pilot ladder, the Technician fell into the water and drifted away. The launch boat was near but not alongside the SBV. An occupant of the launch boat, seeing the Technician who fell overboard, jumped into the water in an attempt to provide rescue. Upon retrieval on board a MPA boat, resuscitation was performed but failed to revive the Technician and he was pronounced dead after he was conveyed to the hospital.


The Technician was a middle-aged person with a history of medical conditions. He had intended to board the launch boat to return ashore after completing his task on board the MTX.

A pilot ladder had been prepared on the starboard side of the MTX, but for reasons only known to him, the technician opted to disembark via the SBV, which was alongside the port side of the MTX.


Figure 1 – Configuration of the vessels and persons involved

Although he had donned a life vest, the technician was apparently a non-swimmer. He had struggled in the water and was unable to board the launch boat from the sea.


Figure 2 – The pilot ladder of the SBV, from which the Technician fell into the water.

Lessons Learnt

Health condition and physical ability

  • The technician's health condition requires him to be administered with regular medication. It was unknown if the effect of the medication and the interval from his last intake of food had caused him to be unstable while descending the ladder.
  • The technician was apparently a non-swimmer and with his health condition, he was unable to keep himself above the water despite wearing a life vest.

Proper communications

  • The SBV had not been informed about any person who would be disembarking from the MTX, or via the SBV and onto a launch boat. Had the SBV been informed, there would have been better preparation to help with the disembarking. Such unknown movements of persons may also impose a security risk.

Additional lessons to be learnt and safety considerations


Figure 3 – the life buoy nearest to the pilot ladder of the SBV.

Timely action in throwing a life buoy in a man overboard situation

For the life buoy to be immediately deployed in an emergency, the following factors should be considered: -

  • proper stowing of life buoy and lifeline for easy and quick deployment
  • regular maintenance of these life-saving appliances

Rigging of the pilot ladder in accordance with IMO and local guidance

  • to adhere to the guidance provided by the relevant IMO resolution and MPA circular
  • deck-hand or/and an officer to be in attendance to supervise the transfer of persons between vessels