
The annual Day of the Seafarer pays tribute to seafarers and acknowledges the unique contribution made by seafarers from all over the world to international seaborne trade, the world economy and civil society. Seafarers are the key to moving world trade despite the strike of the COVID-19 pandemic and not forgetting that their welfare and safety will always be of our concern.

Seacare Hotel was selected for the event as it played a monumental part in facilitating crew changes in the Port of Singapore. It was the first approved crew change dedicated facility and has continued to serve the seafarers till date. Together with the Seacare Hotel, Hotel Re! and Copthorne King’s Hotel also designated as crew changes dedicated facility in Singapore.

MPA, PSA International, the Unions (SMOU/SOS) and MtSS appreciate the effort contributed by the seafarers

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), PSA International, the Singapore Maritime Officers' Union (SMOU), Singapore Organisation of Seamen (SOS), and the Mission to Seafarer Singapore (MtSS) were present for the event. MPA also presented a $150,000 cheque to the Missions for their contribution to crew welfare activities in the Port of Singapore.

Mr. Cheah Aun Aun, Director of Shipping, MPA presenting the cheque to the MtSS

The theme for the Day of the Seafarers 2021 is "Seafarers: at the Core of Shipping’s Future". Due to the current pandemic and with the implementation on minimising interaction, instead of boarding visiting ships in the Port of Singapore to distribute the gift, MPA presented every seafarer transiting Singapore for crew change a small token to appreciate their efforts during this trying times.


The gift was specially designed to commemorate this day, which includes two masks that are contained within a pouch. MPA, the Unions and PSA International sponsored 10,000 masks to be distributed to the seafarers transiting Singapore for crew change as well as those onboard ships that call at the Port of Singapore.

Mask and pouch that was distributed to the seafarers