MPA Flag State Control Officers conduct overseas inspection in Brisbane, Australia

Officers of the Flag State Control (FSC) department, Shipping Division completed two overseas inspections on Singapore-flagged ships calling at Brisbane, Australia in April 2018.
FSC department has embarked on this initiative to enhance monitoring of Singapore-flagged ships, with the aim to fulfil its flag State obligations under the II Code, entrench the Singapore's Quality Flag status, and profile Singapore as a responsible Maritime Administration.
Spin-off benefits from these overseas inspections include networking with other Maritime Administrations, e.g. AMSA (Australia), understanding better the areas where PSCOs have concerns with ships calling their ports, increasing our oversight of SRS ships not calling to Singapore, and subsequently work closely with ship's crew, managers and the ROs with a view to reduce PSC intervention.
The overseas inspections were conducted with support from ship owners and local authorities - sharing of ship arrival schedules and facilitating logistical arrangements like immigration and entry into port formalities.
Moving forward, FSC department considers to conduct more overseas inspections on underperforming Singapore ships, at overseas locations such as the United States and the People's Republic of China.