Singapore's Efforts to Develop Future-Ready Seafarers

With advancements in ship technology and increased use of automation and artificial intelligence, it is important for the industry to identify new competencies and skills required to operate the next generation of ships and to ensure a sustainable pipeline of Singaporean seafarers who can keep abreast of such change.
The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Singapore Shipping Association (SSA), Singapore Maritime Employers Federation (SMEF), Singapore Maritime Officers' Union (SMoU) and Singapore Organisation of Seamen (SOS) aimed at developing human capital for the seafaring sector.
The tripartite collaboration will focus on:
  1. Identifying new competencies and skills required to operate the next generation of ships;
  2. Enhancing the current training syllabus; and
  3. Developing Singapore as a maritime training hub
The MoU was inked at the 3rd Maritime Human Resource (HR) Forum in Singapore on 23 April 2018. The MoU signing was witnessed by over 200 senior management and HR leaders in the maritime sector, industry associations, unions, Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) and government agencies.
This kick starts the effort to examine ways which shipowners, operators and their employees on board can be ready for the future generation of ships. This will be a concurrent effort with MPA's continued effort to gain momentum of ensuring the Singaporean seafaring manpower pipeline for the needs of the companies.
Companies are also invited to consider tapping on the funding and schemes available for training and employing of Singaporean seafarers.
More information about the incentive schemes available can be found in MPA Shipping Circular No. 2 of 2017