Type Rating Certificate For High Speed Craft

The High-Speed Craft (HSC) Code, under the International Convention on Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), is a set of regulations for the design, construction and carrying of navigational and safety equipment of ferries operating at high speed. These specificities are required in view of unique construction and operational features of such vessels. Some of the ferries operating in the region are built and certified under the HSC Code.

Type Rating Certificate

Under the HSC Code, masters and officers operating HSCs are required to hold the appropriate Type Rating Certificate (TRC). The TRC issued to individual officers is craft and route specific.
To qualify for a TRC, masters and deck officers are required to complete additional training in craft and route familiarisation, and have operational experience on board a particular craft. This requirement also includes having their requisite certificate of competencies.

Craft Familiarisation

Masters and deck officers are required to be proficient with the craft's manoeuvring characteristics, navigational and safety equipment. In the event of an incident, they must also be able to take charge of the situation, deploy the necessary safety equipment and evacuate all passengers and crew to safety.

Route Familiarisation

Masters and deck officers are also required to be familiar with the route where the craft operates, as well as the aids to navigation along the route. As these crafts are travelling at high speeds, officers must navigate without the need to refer to charts or other publications. In order to qualify, officers are required to understudy at least 20 round trips during the day and similarly during the night.


The practical test will be conducted by MPA examiners on board the ferry. During the assessment, candidates are required to demonstrate their proficiencies in the various navigational and safety equipment on board, as well as the emergency procedures. A practical test on route familiarity will also be conducted, whereby the MPA examiner will observe how the candidates navigate through the route safely with the use of key navigational marks. The TRC issued is valid for 2 years and would be re-issued for a further two years if the holder provides evidence that he/she has maintained proficiency.