Enhancements to Ship Registry Suite of Services in MARINET

In line with MPA's efforts to continually improve our services for the shipping community, new online services have been rolled out on to enhance user's experience for applications and submission of crewing-related documents and certificates. Below are two crewing-related services that have been rolled out recently.

Application of Seaman Discharge Book (SDB)

The Singapore Seaman Discharge Book (SDB) is issued to Singapore citizen or Permanent Resident for the purpose of logging his or her sea time to pursue professional qualifications in seafaring career. The application of Singapore SDB can now be applied online.

Submission of MLC Financial Security Certificates

All Singapore-registered ships, ordinarily engaged in commercial activities, which is of 500 gross tonnage or above, engaged in international voyages must carry valid certificates attesting that contracts of insurance are in place to cover shipowners' liabilities for:
  • Outstanding wages and repatriation in accordance with MLC Regulation 2.5, Standard A2.5.2 and Guideline B2.5; and
  • Compensation for death or long-term disability in accordance with MLC Regulation 4.2, Standard A4.2 and Guideline B4.2
The submission of MLC Financial Security Certificates can now be done online via MARINET under "e-shipping". Companies are encouraged to update MPA details of the vessels' MLC Financial Security via MARINET whenever there are any changes.