Seminar for Port State Control (PSC) officers in the Asia-Pacific region

The 27th Seminar for Port State Control (PSC) officers in the Asia-Pacific region was held in Port Vila, Vanuatu, from 1 to 4th July 2019. This seminar was organised by the Tokyo MOU Secretariat and hosted by Authority of Vanuatu. The PSC Seminar provided an opportunity for PSC Officers within Tokyo MOU to update their regulatory knowledge and share experience on PSC so as to promote closer cooperation and harmonisation on PSC in the Asia Pacific region.
Several topics were discussed during the seminar such as Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) 2019, result of 2018 CIC and recent IMO updates.
Singapore as an active member of the Tokyo MOU will continue to support the various initiatives established by the Tokyo MOU to promote harmonisation on PSC in the Asia-Pacific region.