MPA Bowling Tournament

The Singapore Mariners Club (SMC) held their 2nd Bowling Tournament in September this year and saw at least 140 participants from all walks of life; Greeks, Filipinos, Americans, Japanese and Sudanese were just the few many nationalities seen from the lists of participants.
This event was also graced by our Guest of Honour (GOH), Reverend Sussie Nygaard Foged, Port Chaplain of the Danish Seamen's Church Singapore. She shared with the seafarers how times has changed - where we have moved on from sailing to conquer, like the ferocious Vikings of Denmark, to sailing to forge new friendships, from acquaintances of different backgrounds. Our GOH also presented the trophies and medals to the 'Best Bowling teams' as well as the teams that were the 'Most Enthusiastic'.
The event ended on a high note, with many participants indicating their interests to participate in more of such events. Seafarers visiting Singapore can also check out our calendar of events for more of these events and activities organised for seafarers (link).