The Minimum Safe Manning Document (MSMD) sets out the minimum number and competency of personnel necessary on board. The MSMD is issued under the provisions of Regulation V/14 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) 1974, as amended, taking into account the “Principles of Minimum Safe Manning” adopted by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) Resolution A. 1047(27).
In June 2022, upon completion of a review of the Minimum Safe Manning Scale (MSMS), Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) published a shipping circular no. 10 of 2022, notifying relevant stakeholders of the latest MSMS for Singapore Registered Ships. Subsequently, vessels seeking dispensation and/or require an amendment on the MSMD, were re-issued with a revised minimum manning – if the vessel’s current MSMD does not align with the latest MSMS.

Beginning late 2022, MPA noticed an increased number of Port State Control (PSC) deficiency in relation to Singapore’s MSMD for not reflecting the cook rank. MPA remain guided by the principle that the MSMD is issued under the provisions of SOLAS regulation V/14 and the IMO Resolution A.1047(27). It lays out the required minimum safe manning (of deck officers, marine engineer officers and deck and engine ratings or GP crew) for the ship to be operated safely, securely and the environment protected. It does not include consideration for cooks and crew in the catering department which are required under the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC).
After due considerations, from March 2023, MPA updated the supplementary note found in the MSMD. Essentially, the supplementary note now provides clarification to relevant stakeholders on the principle behind why the cook capacity is not found in the MSMD.
To prevent operational disruptions, the replacement of existing MSMD will be made progressively. Relevant stakeholders are encouraged to review their MSMD against the MSMS found in shipping circular no. 10 of 2022. Amendments relating to the above 2 updates are non-chargeable, while amendments in addition/non-relating to the above 2 updates will remain chargeable.
Company may request for the above change by writing to