Round table discussions with SRS shipowners and managers

In the year of 2022, 18 SRS was detained by Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA). As part of the Maritime and Port Authority (MPA)’s effort to upkeep its status as quality flag, we have arranged two round table discussion with our SRS shipowners, managers and eight Recognised Organisations (ROs) that was held on 15 February and 22 March 2023. The round table discussions were attended by 155 participants, covering 53 companies.

The aim of the round table discussions was to highlight the common deficiencies found by AMSA inspectors in the year of 2022. In addition, with the ease of border restriction and increased port State control activities by China Maritime Safety Administration (MSA), the participants were shared with the importance of reporting defect to the port Authority and flag State to avoid Port State Control (PSC) detention. The round table discussions also invited participants to share good practices adopted by the company to improve and prepare vessels prior to entry to Australian and China ports. Nevertheless, we thank all participants for their active participations and sharing and making these round table discussions a success.


Fig 1: Round table discussion held on 15 February 2023


Fig 2: Round table discussion held on 22 March 2023

Dialogue Session with SRS bunker tanker operators

Dialogue session was arranged with SRS bunker tanker operators and eight ROs on 9 March 2023. A total of 29 SRS bunker operators attended this dialogue session. Flag State control inspection was carried out on 9 SRS bunker tankers from 1 January to 1 March 2023 and these tankers were observed with multiple deficiencies. The purpose of the dialogue session was to highlight the importance of unkeeping the bunker tankers safety standards and environmental protection requirements and to share what are the common deficiencies. The dialogue session concluded by thanking the participants for their active participations and to continue maintaining quality and safe ships.


Fig 3: Photo taken at the dialogue session