Q1 2014/ ISSUE 01

Profile of Maritime Incidents

Below are charts to depict the profile of maritime incidents that happened in Singapore waters and that involved Singapore flag ships outside Singapore waters.




Functions of the Shipping Regulation and Development Department

The Shipping Regulation and Development (SRD) Department ensures that Singapore’s shipping industry is subjected to uniform application of international rules and regulations on technical matters. The department takes charge of IMO technical matters and develop IMO conventions into the Merchant Shipping regulations. In addition, the SRD department participates regularly at the IMO Maritime Safety Committee and Marine Environment Protection Committee which is the decision-making body dealing with ship safety / marine pollution prevention and related technical matters, and the adoption of amendments to IMO technical instruments. Singapore contributes at the international level to the development of new regulations to improve the safety of life at sea and the prevention of marine pollution. In relation to the development of new regulations, the department looks at topics such as the Polar Code, Goal-based standards, weighing of containerised cargoes, revision of ISM Code, Greenhouse Gas emissions and Ballast Water Management.

Restructuring of IMO Sub-Committees

The Subcommittees of IMO have recently been restructured to deal more effectively with the technical and operational issues covered by IMO regulations. They are:

Existing Sub-CommitteesNew Sub-Committees
1. Safety of Navigation (NAV)1. Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR)
2. Radio Communications and Search and Rescue (COMSAR)
3. Ship Design and Equipment (DE)2. Ship Design and Construction (SDC)

3. Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE)
4. Fire Protection (FP)
5. Stability, Loadlines and Fishing Vessels Safety (SLF)
6. Bulk Liquids and Gases (BLG)4. Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR)
7. Standards of Training and Watchkeeping (STW)5. Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW)
8. Flag State Implementation (FSI)6. Implementation of IMO Instruments (III)
9. Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes and Containers (DSC)7. Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC)