MPA Launches Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

Mr Andrew Tan, MPA Chief Executive, delivering opening remarks at the ERM forum
MPA organised the inaugural Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) forum on 16 September 2014 as part of our efforts to promote risk awareness and enhance the risk culture in MPA.
The guest-speaker for the event was Mr Srinivasan Ramabhadran, Global Director Operations Risk Management & Process Safety, from DuPont Sustainable Solutions. Mr Srinivasan shared DuPont’s experience in managing operational and safety risks as well as how risks could turn into a business competitive edge for both MPA and Maritime Singapore in the midst of global competition.

Mr Srinivasan Ramabhadran giving a presentation on - “Building a Sustainable Culture to Manage Risk” at the ERM forum

Mr Andrew Tan presenting Mr Srinivasan with a token of appreciation
As an organisation, MPA has to address a myriad of inter-connected risks like port safety and security, increased competition, and management of international maritime relations. With such diverse range of risks to manage and with these risks being ever-changing and dynamic, it is thus imperative for everyone in MPA to identify risks in our daily operations and play our part in effective risk management.
As part of our efforts to tackle risk, MPA has formed an Enterprise Risk Management Steering Committee. It will be chaired by Chief Executive Mr Andrew Tan, who will be assisted by Assistant Chief Executive (Operations) Capt M Segar, who is also MPA’s Chief Risk Officer. MPA has also launched the inaugural issue of the MPA Risk Digest which is an in-house newsletter created to foster a culture of risk awareness in the organisation.

MPA hopes to instil a wider culture of risk management and looks forward to facilitating the establishment of a Community of Best Practices (COP) in Maritime ERM. Tailored workshops, training courses and off-site visits may be organised to raise awareness as well as share insights on risk management in the maritime industry.
MPA’s ERM efforts would not be complete without the invaluable support of our industry partners. We welcome you to be part of MPA’s and Maritime Singapore’s ERM journey. Let us make risk our business!